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时域热反射测量系统 (TDTR 测试系统)

简要描述:我司新推出的时域热反射测量系统可用于测量金属薄膜、块体或液体的热导率、界面热阻等多项热物性参数,薄膜测量厚度可达纳米量级!在微纳结构新材料的研发与分析等方面得以越来越广泛的应用。 时域热反射测量系统 (TDTR 测试系统)

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  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2021-09-10
  • 访  问  量:3158

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时域热反射测量系统 (TDTR 测试系统)飞秒激光时域热反射测量技术,即Time-domain Thermoreflectance, TDTR 是一种基于飞秒超快激光抽运探测(pump-probe)技术的导热测量技术。相比于其他导热测量技术,目前TDTR技术因其可以测量纳米薄膜热导率和界面热阻以及非接触式测量特性而具有*优势。




系统通过利用飞秒激光照射样品表层金属薄膜,令薄膜吸收能量并将其转化为热能, 从而传导给样品,并随时间尺度逐渐向样品传递。金属薄膜表面温度随时间回落,从而影响到其反射率。届时再通过测量另一束探测激光的反射强度曲线,通过后续一系列的解调分析,即可得到金属薄膜温度随时间的变化,进而获得被测样品的导热特性和相关热物性参数等。


时域热反射测量系统 (TDTR 测试系统)产品特点:




高温高压外场测量(Gpa 高压环境  1000℃ 外场环境兼容)






























热导率测量范围 0.1~2,000 W·m-1·K-1

热扩散率测量范围0.05~1,000 mm2·s-1

可测薄膜厚度     >10 nm

吸热系数 500~50,000 J·m-2·K-1·s-0.5



1.       Fangyuan Sun#, Teng Zhang#, Matthew M. Jobbins, Zhi Guo, Xueqiang Zhang, Zhongli Zheng, Dawei Tang, Sylwia Ptasinska, Tengfei Luo*, Molecular bridge enables anomalous enhancement in thermal transport across hard-soft material interfaces, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(35): 6093-6099 (SCI影响因子25.809,JCR 1区,封面文章,科学网、中科院网报道文章)

2.       Kun Zheng#, Fangyuan Sun#, Jie Zhu*, Yongmei Ma*, Xiaobo Li, Dawei Tang, Fosong Wang, Xiaojia Wang, Enhancing the thermal conductance of polymer and sapphire interface via self-assembled monolayer, ACS Nano, 2016, 10(8): 7792-7798 (SCI影响因子13.903,JCR 1区,共同第一作者)

3.       Guo Chang, Fangyuan Sun*, Luhua Wang, Zhanxun Che, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J. Kim, Hailong Zhang*, Regulated interfacial thermal conductance between cu and diamond by a TiC interlayer for thermal management applications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(29): 26507-26517 (SCI影响因子8.456,JCR 1区)

4.       Jiaxin Lu#, Kunpeng Yuan#, Fangyuan Sun*, Kun Zheng*, Zhongyin Zhang, Jie Zhu, Xinwei Wang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Yafang Zhuang, Yongmei Ma*, Xinyu Cao, Jingnan Zhang, Dawei Tang, Self-assembled monolayer for polymer-semiconductor interface with improved interfacial thermal management, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 10.1021/acsami.9b12006 (SCI影响因子8.456,JCR 1区)

5.       Xinwei Wang#, Zhe Chen#, Fangyuan Sun*, Hang Zhang, Yuyan Jiang, Dawei Tang*, Analysis of simplified heat transfer models for thermal property determination of nano-film by TDTR method, Measurement Science and Technology, 2018(29): 035902 (SCI影响因子1.861,JCR 2区)

6.       Fangyuan Sun#,*, Xinwei Wang#, Ming Yang, Zhe Chen, Hang Zhang*, Dawei Tang*, Simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity and specific heat in a single TDTR experiment, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2018, 39(1): 5 (SCI影响因子0.853,JCR 4区)

7.       孙方远, 祝捷*, 唐大伟, 飞秒激光抽运探测方法测量液体热导率, 科学通报, 2015, 60(14): 1320-1327 (中国工程热物理学会传热传质会议优秀论文)

8.       张航#, 王新伟#, 张中印, 陈哲, 孙方远*, 唐大伟*, 基于TDTR方法的碳化硅低温导热性能实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2017, 38(7): 1415-1421 (EI索引)

9.       Xinwei Wang, Zhongyin Zhang, Fangyuan Sun*, Xue Xiong, Zhe Chen, Hang Zhang, Yongfu Liang, Yuyan Jiang, Dawei Tang*, The influence of related parameters to thermal conductivity determination via time-domain thermoreflectance method under high pressure, International Heat Transfer Conference 16, 2018, 24: 8881-8889

10.    Xinwei Wang, Meiling Zhou, Weidong Xu, Zhongyin Zhang, Fangyuan Sun*, Thermal conductivity measurements of Al2O3/water nanofluids using time-domain thermoreflectance method and hot wire method, International Heat Transfer Conference 16, 2018, 24: 8711-8720

11.    Kun Zheng, Fangyuan Sun, Xia Tian, Jie Zhu*, Yongmei Ma*, Dawei Tang, Fosong Wang, Tuning the interfacial thermal conductance between polystyrene and sapphire by controlling the interfacial adhesion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(42): 23644-23649 (SCI影响因子8.456,JCR 1区)

12.    Teng Zhang, Ashley R. Gans-Forrest, Eungkyu Lee, Xueqiang Zhang, Chen Qu, Yunsong Pang, Fangyuan Sun, Tengfei Luo*, Role of hydrogen bonds in thermal transport across hard/soft material interfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(48): 33326-33334 (SCI影响因子8.456,JCR 1区)

13.    Guo Chang, Fangyuan Sun, Jialiang Duan, Zifan Che, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J Kim, Hailong Zhang*, Effect of Ti interlayer on interfacial thermal conductance between Cu and diamond, Acta Materialia, 2018, 160: 235-246 (SCI影响因子7.293,JCR 1区)

14.    Zhi Guo, Doyun Lee, Yi Liu, Fangyuan Sun, Anna Sliwinski, Haifeng Gao, Peter C. Burns, Libai Huang, Tengfei Luo*, Tuning the thermal conductivity of solar cell polymers through side chain engineering, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16(17): 7764-7771 (SCI影响因子3.567,JCR 2区)

15.    Zhi Guo, Amit Verma, Xufei Wu, Fangyuan Sun, Austin Hickman, Takekazu Masui, Akito Kuramata, Masataka Higashiwaki, Debdeep Jena, and Tengfei Luo*, Anisotropic thermal conductivity in single crystal β-gallium oxide, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(11): 111909 (SCI影响因子3.521,JCR 1区)

16.    Zhenbao Li, Yejie Cao, Wen Liu, Yiguang Wang*, Fangyuan Sun, Zhe Chen, Zhongyin Zhang, Enhanced irradiation resistance and thermal conductivity of SiC induced by the addition of carbon under Au2+ ion irradiation, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(7): 8521-8527 (SCI影响因子3.45,JCR 1区)

17.    Xin Jia, Junjun Wei*, Yuechan Kong, Chengming Li, Jinlong Liu, Liangxian Chen, Fangyuan Sun, Xinwei Wang, The influence of dielectric layer on the thermal boundary resistance of GaN-on-diamond substrate, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2019, 51(7): 783-790 (SCI影响因子1.319,JCR 4区)

18.    Lidan Zhu, Fangyuan Sun, Jie Zhu*, Dawei Tang*, Yuhua Li, Chaohong Guo, Nano-metal film thermal conductivity measurement by using the femtosecond laser pump and probe method, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(6): 066301 (SCI影响因子1.066,JCR 3区)

19.    Ming Yang*, Fangyuan Sun, Ruining Wang, Hang Zhang*, Dawei Tang*, Strain modulation of electronic and heat transport properties of bilayer boronitrene, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2017, 38(10): 155 (SCI影响因子0.853,JCR 4区)

20.    朱丽丹, 孙方远, 祝捷*, 唐大伟*, 飞秒激光抽运探测热反射法对金属纳米薄膜超快非平衡传热的研究, 物理学报, 2012, 61(13): 134402 (SCI影响因子0.644,JCR 4区)

21.    Dong Yu, Xuegong Hu*, Chaohong Guo, Dawei Tang, Fangyuan Sun, Linghong Hu, Fei Gao, Tao Zhao, Experimental investigation on fluid flow in an inclined open rectangular microgrooves heat sink with micro-PIV, ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, 2013: V004T15A002 (SCI索引)

22.    Juan Wen*, Dawei Tang, Zhicheng Wang, Jing Zhang, Yanjun Li, Fangyuan Sun, Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer of a direct air-cooled condenser cell in a power plant, ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, 2013: V001T03A035 (SCI索引)

23.    朱丽丹, 孙方远, 祝捷, 唐大伟*, 飞秒激光抽运-探测法对金纳米薄膜非平衡传热的研究, 中国激光, 2012, 39(5): 0507001 (EI索引)

24.    陈哲, 孙方远, 唐大伟*, 铝传感层蒸镀速率对飞秒激光抽运探测热反射方法测量热导率影响的研究, 热科学与技术, 2018, 17(4): 290-295

25.    石宏开, 王新伟, 郑利兵*, 孙方远, 刘珠明, 基于热反射法的微纳结构热扫描技术研究, 热科学与技术, 2019, 18(2): 94-99

26.    Zhongyin Zhang, Xinwei Wang, Kunpeng Yuan, Fangyuan Sun, Dawei Tang*, Thermal conductance measurement of Al-SiC interface at 4-300K using time-domain thermoreflectance technique, International Heat Transfer Conference 16, 2018, 24: 8826-8833

27.    Kun Zheng, Jiaxin Lu, Yafang Zhuang, Fangyuan Sun, Jie Zhu, Yongmei Ma, Dawei Tang, Tuning the thermal conductance of polymer and sapphire interface, International Heat Transfer Conference 16, 2018, 8: 2599-2605






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